
Coming Soon

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Lam Jones Privacy Policy

This policy details how data about you is used when you access our website and services (together, "LJ") or interact with us. You must be at least 16 years of age, to register on the Lam Jones site.

  1. Protecting your privacy:
    • We take precautions to prevent unauthorized access to or misuse of data about you.
    • We do not share your data with third parties for marketing purposes.
    • We do not engage in cross-marketing or link-referral programs.
    • We do not employ tracking devices for marketing purposes.
    • We do provide email proxy & relay services to reduce unwanted email.
    • Please review privacy policies of any third-party sites linked to from LJ.
    • We do not respond to "Do Not Track" signals (see allaboutdnt.com).
  2. Data we collect, use and disclose:

    Below is a list of all the types of data we may collect, where we got it, and why. We do not sell your data to third parties.

    Data type Where we got it Why collected Disclosed
    First and last name User entry Facilitating transactions and personalizing your use of LJ No one
    Email address User entry Account creation, user-to-user and LJ-to-user communications and combatting fraud/abuse No one
    Phone number User entry User-to-user communications, combatting fraud/abuse, personalizing your use of LJ No one
    Geographic location User entry, IP/geolocation providers Account and post creation, LJ communicating with corporate users, facilitating transactions and personalizing your use of LJ No one
    Photos and other data you voluntarily provide, post on or send via LJ User entry Facilitating and personalizing your use of LJ No one
    Saved searches, account preferences, favorite/hidden postings User entry Facilitating and personalizing your use of LJ No one
    HTTP browser cookie User's browser, CL web server Facilitating and personalizing your use of LJ and combatting fraud/abuse No one
    Information about your device and browser such as device ID, browser version, operating system, plugins User's browser, mobile app Facilitating and personalizing your use of LJ and combatting fraud/abuse No one
    IP address User's browser, mobile app, IP/geolocation providers Combatting fraud/abuse No one
    Web page views, access times, HTTP headers User's browser, mobile app Combatting fraud/abuse No one

    We may share some or all of the above listed data in the following circumstances:

    • to respond to subpoenas, search warrants, court orders, or other legal process.
    • to protect the rights, property, or safety of LJ users, LJ, or the general public.
    • at your direction (e.g. if you authorize us to share data with other users).
    • in connection with a merger, bankruptcy, or sale/transfer of assets.
  3. Data we store:
    • We retain data as needed to facilitate and personalize your use of LJ, combat fraud/abuse and/or as required by law.
    • We make good faith efforts to store data securely but can make no guarantees.
    • You may access and update certain data about you via your account login.
  4. California Users:

    To learn more about the California Consumer Privacy Act and how it applies to you, please visit the California Attorney-General's website. Right to know: You have the right to request that we disclose the data we collect and use, and other information relating to you. Right to delete: You have the right to request the deletion of data that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions. Right to non-discrimination: You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for exercising the rights listed above.

    You may submit a request to know or delete via support@LamJones.com Only you, or someone you authorize to act on your behalf, may make a request to know or delete your data. An authorized agent may make a request on your behalf by providing written permission signed by you.

    We will need to confirm your identity before processing your request by asking you to log into your existing account (if you are a registered user) or by asking you for additional information, such as a government issued ID, to confirm your identity against information we have already collected.

  5. International Users:

    By accessing LJ or providing us data, you agree we may use and disclose data we collect as described here or as communicated to you, transmit it outside your resident jurisdiction, and store it on servers in the United States.

If you have any questions regarding LJ's privacy policy please email support@LamJones.com.
LamJones.com is a trademark of Lam Jones, LLC.