Lam Jones members can create three (3) types of posts. Non-members are welcome to search these categories. But you'll need to join Lam Jones to respond. (It's free.)
Let's say you're a creative person. You have a vision. More than that, you have a project. But you can't do everything yourself. Lam Jones members post here when they're LOOKING FOR people to help them complete their project.
Now, let's say you're a creative person, but you don't have a project. But you'd like to be a part of one. Lam Jones members post here to let everyone know they are AVAILABLE, and how they can help.
HIRED GUNS? You know the type. These folks are in it for the money. They'll work on your project, but not out of the kindness of their hearts. And not for the fame. They're working for a pay check, plain and simple.